My late birthday post for Mr Kok Weng Siong a.k.a my si kancil. haha..
If you've read my previous post, you will know i have went out to celebrate my si kancil's birthday.
ppl involved >> Thomas, Kai ming, Me, Ru Ling, Bubu, Adeline, Kim, Ma and Chris
We wanted to go to Planet Cafe for our dinner + countdown to his birthday. But then, it wasn't open. So we change our plan to Wings Cafe.
It was super hot in mlk for so many days and it rain so heavily on his birthday!
We sat inside because it was raining but then even though we could enjoy the music, it was really difficult to talk.
So anwy, i'll cut the crap and just post some photos. =P
Bear's birthday cake. Very nice..
My Si Kancil..haha!
Yumcha Gang...Thomas, Adeline, Bear and Me!
Our old old lepak gang! Miss those times!
One Big Happy Family! Si kancil Treat us for that meal which was not cheap at all. So i ask him out for Seoul Garden because i didn't get him any present. I good o not Si kancil..haha! Hope you enjoy your meal...Friends Forever.