Sunday is alwiz CHURCH day!!
Woke up about 8am today...slpy..
Having the mood to be pretty today. i wore something nicer.
Different than my normal casual self.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Just another manic Monday
Words from ~*A.u.d.r.e.y*~ 0 Kisses
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Magnifying glass
Went for OT today til 1pm and then meet up my parents for lunch.
How nice to have lunch with them after work.....hehe.
Anwy, b4 lunch my sister went back to the office too because she had Sports days and did her cheerleading performance.
Brings back great memories...haha.
Wanna see how i look when i was a cheerleader? hehehe....
My alwiz supportive family..alwiz there when i perform
So..does my sister look like me with her cheerleading uniform?? hehehe...
And...i found a magnifying glass in the we took some photos loooo...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dreaming bout my firm for so many times ady...pengsan!
Yesterday i keep waking up coz i dreamt of filling up the Tax Form. Ahhhhh...
Anwy, i dunno whether it's good news o not.
My boss eventually offered me to work back at this firm after i graduate.
I'm Confuse...
But i'm happy to know my boss wants me back here. Surely there's a reason for that..haha!
2day is my dear's brother's Pre-wedding dinner at his place..
SAD! Cant go..
Dear said he wanna come and see me during the weekends....
but i don't think he has the time also....
Update again soon...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Part Time??
These few days i have been considering hard about being a part time Piano Teacher.
Hmmm...Should i look for a music school?
I dunno why but suddenly feel interested to teach little kids some Piano lessons.
But am i qualified?
I have Grade 7 for Practical and Grade 5 Theory.
Didn't have de time to finish til grade 8 coz when i finish my Grade 7 exams i went to Melaka to study ady.
Very wasted....
I just thought of teaching during the weekends...
Can earn some extra income..hehehe...
Muaks muaks...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
What's there to update??
YO blog reader!!
3 more weeks!! Muriels gonna rock!
Hehe..what's MURIEL you may ask?
It's my ex cheerleading team..which is also my Sister's current cheerleading team.
I'm so gonna support her!!
I was ex-cheer captain leh....hahha!
And those who are interested to watch a REAL cheerleading competition..Join us!
it's on 12th and 13th July at Bukit Jalil Indoor Stadium!
The crowds won't be as loud as the F1 race..but the crowds will definitely blow your mind!!
Go Muriel!
5 more months til i finish my intership..
Hope we will be fine till then..
I promise i will go and find you when i finish my internship..
Muaks Muaks..
Can't attend my dear dear's brother's wedding..
Sigh...If' it's de weekend i could find one reason to be there..
But it's on a i reli cant go also.
Wish your brother a happy married life looo...
Working again tmr...
Another hectic week.
Hoping the peak will be over soon.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Last week's stuff
I'm like getting so outdated now
Yes..i know everyone is getting bored with my blog ady.
I ALSO SIEN LAH!! one picture with my family and cousin.
Love this picture a lot..=)
SO i told you all that i've been going to Sungai Buloh everyday for the past one week rite??
My boss called me and told me that starting Tuesday i don need to go for field work anymore.
At 1st thought..i WAS happy with that decision.
But then....
After spending one whole day in the office..
So super sad now that my boss wants me in the office...=(
Some of my friends thought that we ACCOUNTING STUDENTS do nothing during our practical training.
Come on..we are studying something so professional. Takkan training 6 months for nothing ma....
And somemore, accounting firms are super busy during June - August coz it's peak period. Some firms are doing their year end accounts. Which means that all Chartered Accountant company would be busy with accounting, auditing, advising...and the lists goes on.
Somemore..i'm in the Advisory department. Yeah..i kno you will be thinking why the hell i'm in Advisory department and not Audit for my training program. I was thinking that too...but unfortunately, Audit department is already full.
But i'm really lucky to be in this Advisory department. Because i think i kind of learn alot from this department coz we basically do all the complicated stuff.
OK...i'm being too proud ady. hehe..SORRY SORRY.
K..i'm done being proud ady.
Happy weekend~!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Give me a break!
Hello all....
I'm dying here.
Even my blog is dying.
I'm so tired!!
Everyday i travel to Kuchai Lama, and then, from Kuchai to Sungai Buluh to meet my client and every evening travel back to Kuchai Lama again.
Travelling time so damn long!
It's 1 hour from Kuchai Lama to Sungai Buluh! Now you know why me and my blog is dying.
OK..gtg. I'm js here to nag a bit of my tiring working life.
Going out now to buy Guitar Hero game for PS2. Where is de cheapest Guitar that i could buy???!! hehe...Ciaoz~
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Working life

Took this Friday morning while waiting for my mum to send me to work. Know what's on my mind tat time? Hehe...I'm glad it is already the weekend.
Been going out for field work for the whole week and it's really exhausting. But it's kind of better than staying at the office because there's nobody there to control us.
Missing my dearie quite alot..
We will not be seeing each other for 8 months..dunno how to go through that. But currently still not to desperate to see him. Haha! Hope he misses me too.
Anwy, i miss all my friends. =( Called up my best friend that day and talk for more than an hour..gosh. There's goes my credit..
Thomas ko called me too. So happy to hear his voice. Missing him and my si kancil so much~ =( Hope one day they will come visit me. hehe..
Gtg....good luck to all again.