This few weeks i'm getting really outdated man..
Sorry but the feeling was not right to blog. Hehe!
Anwy guys, I'M NOT LONELY ANYMORE! previously i'm physically lonely but now he's back
And yeah...Japanese Culture Nite is Finally OVER! performing "career" as a dancer ended on that nite. *sad*
Our show wasn't exactly perfect but it was already good for a 10 hour practice compared to our previous year's performance that we practice for 1 month, some even took even longer time. It was super tiring and frustrated memorizing those very very confusing steps, but we still manage to do it.
We didn't appear as SPARK this year because the guys were cut out from our performance. We performed with the name * TRI-ANGELS *
I was feeling quite insecure before the performance. Maybe the guys was not there to perform with us and the feeling was different.
Sunday morning, tri-angels went to Dataran Pahlawan to buy shoes for the performance at nite. The shoe we wore for rehearsals are really not suitable at all and it was too slippery. So we went searching for shoes the whole morning til about 3pm.
We went to do our make-up at campus around 4pm and as usual, our personal make-up artist did our make-up. Thanks to my Ji Mui!
Tri-angels wit Adeline, make up artist.
Tri-angels wit dearie, Hairstylist.
Nervous..Fear that we will drop our fan during our dance.
After our 1st dance, we quickly change into our Hot Dance clothes. OK guys..i really cannot stand the clothes i wore on that day. My fren says that i look like an adult wearing children's clothes. I also think so. Mayb i'm too tall. Haha!
I really enjoyed the feeling being on stage. I dunno how to explain that feeling, but i really enjoyed it. Maybe some would think our performance was just so-so, but hey...could you do such dance on stage wit a 10 hour practice? I admire myself and my dance group.
We took lots of pictures after the performance. Afterall, it's our final performance. our Finale! I will miss you girls! and not forgetting our ex dance group mate Kean Shen and Kok Phin.

My very best fren! Thanks for alwiz supporting us!

one more close up photo
Tri-angels forever!!

I like myself without the vest better. More ladylike...agree?
Went to eat at Restaurant Wong Kok wit him again. ate wit the girls on sunday too.
And yay! I bought my Jay Chou concert DVD ady. *winks*
Went to Pak Putra to have dinner with them. Such a long time never go out lepak wit them ady. Really miss those times.
After dinner, we decided to go to GOGO KTV. We were lucky that they still have room. =) time i wanna go sing again. Can i go sing wit Dearie only??
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