OK. I finally found the bluetooth device. And this time i CHECK my computer and then my phone to make sure it is already inside the computer only i deleted everything from my phone.
I think i will cry till death if i deleted all my SABAH trip's photos.
I think my cousins will kill me.
So, i already transfer everything and now it's time to share. I was there for a week so prepare for a very long post.
Day Negative 1 hehe
We were going to leave on Thursday but then the cousins all came earlier to gather at my place.
We went for Karaoke at Greenbox on wednesday.
China Burger at the pasar malam
We didn't really get to sleep coz we need to leave the house at 5am for our 7.15am flight.
We reach LCCT about 6am, checked in..and had mcdonalds for breakfast.
The flight was delayed. I enjoyed the morning view above the clouds. Peaceful.
We reached Sandakan around 10.30am and it was raining. Uncle Yap came to fetch us with his Land cruiser (everyone there has a land cruiser) and headed home to meet our dear cousin sister.
In the car uncle told us he's bringing us for BAK KUT TEH. Uncle said "Here different one. Got Fish. Got Prawn. And got Vege." Please say it in a very very slow speed.
So when we got home and checked into our "HOTEL", cousin sis drove us to the Bak Kut Teh restaurant. Phew..this is the 1st time she drive us. Somemore she's the youngest of all of us there. Ohh...Proud...
The Bak Kut Teh is SO delicious! The soup is a bit spicy, and there were seafood in it. And it is so super fresh! The prawns..OMG! I don't even know how to describe it. There was one i like the most is the fish-made-toufupok which is called YU FU not fisherman k.
So..super super satisfied with the meal. Missing it now.
It was raining the whole day so we didn't manage to go to any place for visit. So we went home, and SLEEP! hehe..Woke up too early.
We had dinner at home. Prawns! CRABS!! YUM!
The crabs were soooooo fresh!
Oh yah...forgotten to mention. The sky gets really dark there when it is about 7pm. And in the morning the sun comes out at 6am!
We watched DVDs and went to sleep quite late because we don't need to wake up so early the next day.
After breakfast we went for our City tour.
Uncle need to work, so Samantha brought us around. We went to a temple, and inside it was another temple. Pictures are at my cousin's camera. It was kind of special because i guess it wasn't a normal thing to build at a temple.
i think it was kind of special but then because i'm a Catholic i don't really know what to do there. I even forgotten to take off my shoes..PAISEH!
Next, Sam brought us to a very nice Anglican church. It was very PRETTY. =)
The Church
And then, she brought us to a place to see a stone on the beach. Said that it looks like a Cow, but then he brother say look like chicken. So when i reach there and see....it looks like a...STONE. HAHA!
Judge yourself..Cow or Chicken
I forgotten to mention that they do not have computer system for the scoring. it's MANUALLY counted.
After our bowling session, we went to the cinema which is just next to the Bowling Center to watched Cloverfield. Messy show i would say..it makes me dizzy! but then again..it was fun.We headed home for dinner. Seafood again. And then went out with Sam to see a basketball competition. SOOO BORING! i need older guys! i don't want to see small little boys playing basketball. HAHAHA!
We went for yumcha at a very nice place. The boys didn't follow us to the basketball competition so only us girls went for a drink. Really love spending time with my cousin sisters.
Today, we woke up quite early. Uncle came wit us today to bring us to the Orangutan Rehabilitation centre. We went for breakfast b4 going there because feeding time for the Orangutans is about 10am. We will have to wait if we reach too early. There are only 2 times in one day for ppl to see them which is their feeding time at 10am and 3pm. We look at them or they look at us weih~
After that, we went to a place to go for jungle tracking. Sumtg like tat. They gave us a map which has not much use, because there are roads ma..Lazy to look at the map. So we just walk around til we reach the exit. Damn tiring. We were not looking at all the beautiful scenery the forest but we were just trying to get our way out of there. Hehe.
Termites's nest


**will edit again soon. too many to write in a day**Scary...
We were all super tired after walking so much. When we reach home, it was bed time. We couldn't sleep long as we have to go to church for mass. Sandakan church's choir is very very nice! After mass, we went to one steamboat restaurant up on a hill which we can see the Sandakan's nite view. Super pretty! hehe..
Gracy and I SAPU all the CRABS! Nice Yummy Fresh CRABS! It's like malim's steamboat, just that this place is super more clean and the food are fresher. Super Super Super FULL!!! Best steamboat ever!
We finally had the famous Wu Kok for our breakfast! Mum had reminded me to try the Wu Kok if Uncle bring us for dimsum. It was super nice. hehe..And i had Seafood Porridge. the fish was more than the porridge. Not forgetting the sotongs and the prawns. Compare to KL or Melaka..hmm..Porridge a lot..but de fish..SO LITTLE LOR...SABAH is super good man!
After breakfast, we went to the Yacht club, and prepared to go for fishing with Uncle Yap's frens!
1st time out to sea! Super COOL!!! Me, gracy and Sam, put on a SPF 130 sunblock which didn't have much use for us. Coz we forgotten to apply it every 2 hours. Nic wasn't feeling very well on the boat, seasick. So we sent him back to shore and then went back out to sea again.
It was super super fun and we caught about 100++ fishes total from ALL.
We went home about 3pm to rest and shower. And then we went to the yacht club again for dinner. We ate the fishes that we caught. We had about 10 fishes. Fish meal! Gosh...so super scared of fish for a few days man!
Gracy and I SAPU all the CRABS! Nice Yummy Fresh CRABS! It's like malim's steamboat, just that this place is super more clean and the food are fresher. Super Super Super FULL!!! Best steamboat ever!
We finally had the famous Wu Kok for our breakfast! Mum had reminded me to try the Wu Kok if Uncle bring us for dimsum. It was super nice. hehe..And i had Seafood Porridge. the fish was more than the porridge. Not forgetting the sotongs and the prawns. Compare to KL or Melaka..hmm..Porridge a lot..but de fish..SO LITTLE LOR...SABAH is super good man!
After breakfast, we went to the Yacht club, and prepared to go for fishing with Uncle Yap's frens!
1st time out to sea! Super COOL!!! Me, gracy and Sam, put on a SPF 130 sunblock which didn't have much use for us. Coz we forgotten to apply it every 2 hours. Nic wasn't feeling very well on the boat, seasick. So we sent him back to shore and then went back out to sea again.
It was super super fun and we caught about 100++ fishes total from ALL.
We went home about 3pm to rest and shower. And then we went to the yacht club again for dinner. We ate the fishes that we caught. We had about 10 fishes. Fish meal! Gosh...so super scared of fish for a few days man!